Boy Quotes
Theo–“Yeah, here I am in my apothecary, crushing garlic.”
Read MoreTheo–“Yeah, here I am in my apothecary, crushing garlic.”
Read MoreWell, we determined that even grumpy acquiescence to an adventure would be good for him. So we decided to force him to go!
Read MoreOn our drive home, after camping at the ocean, we stopped at Franklin Falls for a short (only 2 miles roundtrip) but beautiful hike.
Read MoreWe stopped calling them vacations years ago as that word brings to mind unrealistic expectations of relaxation and peace, ha! With three sons and a large and slobbery dog, we like to focus on what we will for sure achieve on any family outing, an adventure!
Read MoreI am forced to utter several terrifying sentences, including but not limited to: “Theo, stop choking Brennan!” and “Brennan, don’t lick your brother’s feet!”
Read MorePerhaps this is part of why we as a people both hate masks and yet can be so quick to create masks for ourselves.
Read MoreBrennan–“The difference between glasses and no glasses [for me] is like the difference between regular yogurt and probiotic yogurt.”
Read MoreBut you know what? It was a perfect illustration of how our value doesn’t come from our age or our hair color. We are God’s image bearers and are priceless to him. When the speaker asked if anyone knew Philippians 4:8 that same camper took a deep deep breath and shouted out the scripture word for word. Weather we are precocious or quiet, we are so very precious in God’s sight.
Read MoreHow did a weird tangent during cabin discussion about the omnipresence of God lead to a scary story about the boogie man, morph into lots of dancing, briefly shine as a fairly accurate reflection of the speaker’s theme for the week, and then result in the camp’s winning skit?
Read MoreWe saw God work with incredible power this week. The power of an improbable coincidence followed by another improbable coincidence that was followed by five more, the power of the Spirit’s gentle nudge, the power of the cup of water given in Jesus name, the power of the still small voice.
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