Reading Tai-Bo

Reading Tai-Bo

This week I am working on reading “Rilla of Ingleside” also by L.M. Montgomery. But most of my reading was actually listening, as I drove to Ocean Park, back to Tacoma General Hospital, back to Ocean Park, and then back home. I listened to: “Winnie the Pooh”; “The House on Pooh Corner”; “Hank the CowDog: The Case of the Burrowing Robot”; “King of the Wind”; Hank the CowDog: The Case of the Runaway Windmill; Adventures in Odyssey; and “Hank the CowDog: The Case of the Burrowing Robot” again…and some more Winnie the Pooh. What did I learn from my reading and listening this week…that while Winnie the Pooh is a marvelous book, with sweet gentle storytelling, it is terrible to drive to. I kept drifting off. But Hank the Cowdog is great for keeping you awake with all of the silly doggy songs (a dog should smell like a dog, the sharing of pain…etc) and wonderful voices. So if you are heading out on a lengthy drive, forgo the Pooh and pick up some CowDog. Your trip will be safer.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

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