Increase in Peskiness
Also from 12-4-2018 So … what have my three sons been up to lately? Obviously, from the above picture, they
Read MoreAlso from 12-4-2018 So … what have my three sons been up to lately? Obviously, from the above picture, they
Read More12-4-2018 Hmmm … I jumped onto the website intent on writing a lovely blog post about how busy my sons
Read More10-23-2018 I was volunteering in Sweet Boy#3’s class and two little girls asked for my help with a math problem.
Read MoreThis was published on December 27th, 2019 … but my website crashed and I lost 16 months of material and
Read MoreSometimes, when all we see are the beautiful photos, I think we forget that everyone else’s life is lived out between glorious moments of beauty and all those random tantrums and sulks. This was such a lovely hike, full of real life arguing and grumping, recovery, mud, joy, and splendid splashes.
Read MoreWe find a compromise. He is happy to brush his hair … as long as I let him use the dog’s brush!
Read MorePrincess Leia is rushing out to check on her boys as they construct “Stupidopolis.” Yes, they carefully measured the distance to the water hoping that they would have plenty of time to construct an imposing structure, but not so much time that the tide would not destroy it before we had to leave the shore and head back to camp.
Read MoreWhat do you call the act of stuffing three sons and a 105 pound dog into a vehicle, then traveling
Read MoreThey hugged and gave hi-fives and yes, finally I saw him smile. Not once, but each time he said farewell.
Read MoreJr. B Camp started out with hot July weather, bright blue skies, and the scent of fallen pine needles baking in the sun along the dirt paths that wind between the cabins.
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