Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

Mud and Mattresses–The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

They played “King of the Kingsize,” which involved much wrestling, pushing, shouting, roaring, and general havoc. We sat behind this family with three girls at church the other day and the girls were gently giving each other back rubs during the service. I think this is the boy version of back rubs. Strangling … gentle attacks and strangling.

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Boy Quotes

Boy Quotes

He screamed! Princess Leia Freyja started back in horror. Her boy was trapped, how to save him, how to save him? With furious intensity, our furry princess threw herself into life-saving digging upon the surface of that big bad mattress in order to save her boy. Of course, this meant that she was still on top of him and we were unable to extract him as she attempted to dig straight through.

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