Writing News

Writing News

This week was the first week of November. What does that mean for writers all over the world? It is the first week of NaNoWriMo of course! NaNoWriMo is the national write a novel in a month month wherein writers everywhere attempt to write 50,000 words of a rough draft in a single month. For most people that isn’t quite long enough to make a novel draft, luckily, I am writing middle grade again this year and 50,000 words is just about right…maybe a little long actually. I am attempting to get the rough draft of book #2 in my unsold middle grade adventure series down on paper. This week I finished 11 chapters and closed my computer on Saturday with 13,023 words. I need to write 12,500 words a week or nearly 1,700 words a day to make my goal. Remarkably I am on track. We shall see what the next week has in store but I am hopeful. If you think of me, would you pray that my words would become something engaging and lasting. I am getting the words down, my hope is that they will be something of worth once all the dust clears and the month of frantic creation is over. Something that I can revise and polish until I am proud of what remains, words that honor my Lord.



I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

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