Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

The day after we bring Sweet Boy#1 home from the hospital and have thoroughly lectured him about not doing anything rowdy that might rupture his spleen, we take a nice quiet car ride together to view the burned area up at Inspiration Point. As soon as the car stops he jumps up and vaults himself out of his open window and takes off running to look. Ahhhhhhh! The next four weeks are going to be very very long.

Sweet Boy#2 and Sweet Boy#3–I catch them washing the bathroom sink with soap…and their toothbrushes.

Sweet Boy#2–Is crying inconsolably in the morning before the school bus arrives. Why? He is heartbroken because between me being gone for the ACFW conference and his brother’s stay in the hospital, we have missed the school fundraiser. But thankfully I am able to repair his broken heart by promising to make caramel popcorn balls while he is at school.

Sweet Boy#3–I catch him laying in bed at night drawing a tatoo of a spider on his knee.

Sweet Boy#1 and Sweet Boy#3–We are having a difficult time finding activities for our oldest that do not involve him falling and rupturing his spleen. But he and his brother found a winner the other day. They spent a good 30 or 40 minutes sword fighting all over the living room with a giant water gun, a plastic katana, and when the water gun broke a wooden pop gun. Perhaps our Dr. would not totally approve but at least he wasn’t climbing trees, riding his bike, or leaping out of the windows of cars.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

7 thoughts on “The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

  • Nancy Martin

    SO nice to see #1 feeling so much better!!but makes the job of keeping still harder.

  • Grandma Judy

    I love the boy quotes, my favorite day. Hmmmm, I didn’t realize that #3 is a budding artist. Would have loved to been there to share the caramel corn. I too am so glad that #1 is feeling better, we continue to pray.

    Love to you.

  • They are pretty rediculous and wonderful aren’t they?

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