Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week–The Great Race!

How did the great race happen? Well, Scruff and his sisters and brother finally got together to scatter Grandma Donna’s ashes at the beach.

Grandma Donna kept them from being separated and raised the kids together. It wasn’t an easy life, but she loved them fiercely and they wanted to honor her together as a family.

But it took a couple years to actually plan something and by the time we finally got together, we were the proud parents of three grumpy teens!

However, Scruff is great at talking the boys into having a good time. Here they are climbing a big rock and getting talked into a group photo. Love those boys!

The beach is a magical place and they ended up having fun despite us dragging them there.

They even posed for a photo with their cousins …

… and survived the dreaded family photograph.

But Scruff didn’t want to leave the beach without a race against his sons. Why? I’m not sure. But Scruffy loves to live life to the fullest and apparently, this requires a footrace down the beach. So, he talked them into just one race, to please their dear old dad.

The boys finally acquiesced, just to make him happy. Although, it appears that Theo is indeed sneaking off while the others run.

And they’re off! But what is this? Why is Scruff lagging behind after the first couple steps?

An injury? Could Scruff have wheedled and begged for this race, only to be horribly injured during the big event?

Yep, injuries and mayhem to finish off our weekend together.

The boys relished in their victory while Scruff limped back to the safety of the car.

While Scruff did spend the rest of the spring and much of the summer limping, he did bring great joy to his sons as they got to tell and retell the story of their great race!

Family time together and a story to tell for years to come. What could be better?