Boy Quotes
Sweet Boy#3–When my youngest charged his older brother during time-out and hurt his head on his brother’s knee, I told him to stop charging others. He replied: “I don’t like you talking, but I want to snuggle you.”
Sweet Boy#2–“The next day I was looking for breakfast and swallowed this really fat fish that was as heavy as 6 billion elephants and it pulled me back into the water!”
The boys were playing an immaginary game with a little boy from camp. They were the following animals: A kitten, A Bangel-toothed tiger, A snake, and A “made-up” Poison-toothed tiger. Can you guess which boy felt it was imperitive that he inform me of the “made-up” status of his immaginary creature?
Sweet Boy#2–“No, I’m a bat that’s got fangs on its ears…no in its ears!”
Sweet Boy#2–“Giant Muffin Spiders live in dead forests…beware dead forests.”
Sweet Boy#2–“I’m a mutated space slug and now it has 20 eyes.”
Boy Quotes, Mine Favorite! (We want them to grow up, but miss their funny little sayings when they outgrow them)
Love to you.