Writing Pilates
In honor of the delivery of my lovely sister’s school supplies. This week we will have our character’s learn something new. To see her version of our writing assignment, please click here.
Have Your Character Learn Something New
Bosomella slaved feverishly over Miss Borka’s Bosom Blossomer and Corset. She quickly added the soft pillow of feathers that would propel her mistresses’ scant bust to new heights of loveliness. Ridiculous girl, thinking she could conquer any male, much less Prince Andegej, without the aid of a plunging neckline. So she wanted to dance did she, well through the use of this glorious brazier, the prince would actually look at the creature twirly menacingly toward his throne. Bosomella growled quietly at the whale bone corset as she stitched and fumed. She wasn’t some puppet in the market. Miss Borka shouldn’t be able to snap a string here and yank one over there and force some dancing machine out of a fairy who was born to sew braziers. Humph.
Puppet…. Bosomella jumped up suddenly and rushed off to call a squire. She would need string. Heaps and heaps of that horrible metal string that the cities blacksmiths were forever bragging about, and if she sewed tiny catches all along Miss Borka’s corset to guide it…. Who would be the puppet in the end? Ha, not this little undergarment fairy. No indeed. And you could take that to the money changers, that’s for sure.
I love it! I think I’ll pass on asking Blossomella fix me up with one of those THINGS. It’s too hot to wear anything but the bear minimum, emphasis on minimum. Perhaps in the dead of winter with much snow on the ground and temps below zero, I might reconsider.
Glad to see you found some time to Blog.
Love to you.