Writing News

Writing News

As Red Green would say: ” A big big week up at the lodge this week.” I am happy to announce that I am officially several days ahead of schedule! WhooooHooooo! I was supposed to finish my Mexico research on March 31st and yet as of March 26th I am all done with my pre-writing research. I will do more after I have a rough draft and know what details I lack. I ordered two field guides on Amazon.com as well. One on animals and plants in southern Mexico, and one on animals and plants of the Maya. I finally feel prepared for the next steps in the process, mainly because I now know that if you wear your hair like this and visit Mexico City, you are likely to be persecuted, although there are agencies currently fighting for your right to a vacation that does not include being fed to lions, the locals have not completely come around.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

2 thoughts on “Writing News

  • mamagriffith

    nice adition with the emo pic.

  • Grandma Judy

    What a relief! I had been worrying about my hair style in relation to persecution. No worries now!

    Love to you.

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