Writing News

Writing News

I had a good, productive writing week, and that is always encouraging. One evening this week I sat down and wrote out my goals for the next couple of years and realized that I am quite passionate about entering my writing in a contest for the first time and being ready to start attempting to sell book#1 and have the series mostly written before my youngest is in Kindergarten. Of course that means I need to finish my rough draft of book#2 by September and the final draft by next September, but I made good progress this week. I finished Step#3 of my Snowflake for book#2, which was to write a one sentence summary, ambition, story goal, conflict, epiphany, and one paragraph summary for every character in my story. Helpful information for plotting and it feels good to actually get a whole step done.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

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