Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week


This week Sweet Boy#1 went with me to Princess Leia’s first doggy obedience class. There are eight other dogs and Leia did pretty well, only barking a few times, but also dragging me around a little bit instead of heeling. We have some work to do, but it is wonderful to see her making progress.

What else happened this week…

Princess Leia eats our vacuum cord, thankfully it was not plugged in at the time.

Princess Leia steals used tissues out of our garbage can and runs off to eat them.

Princess Leia nabs a tiny ceramic chicken that Sweet Boy#2 had recently painted and tries to eat it, about 10 different times.

Princess Leia is not thwarted by the fact that I tied her leash to a table leg at camp. She drags the table across the room and manages to snork down several dum dums before I grab her.

Princess Leia also gets a dum dum stuck in her fur.

Princess Leia grabs the emergency break in her jaws while I am driving and pulls it up, making the break light come on.

I think we are the parents of a toddler once more, argh!


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

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