Reading Tai-Bo

Reading Tai Bo

What was I reading this week?

Well, this week I got something totally awesome in the mail. An unexpected package! I opened it up and…it was a free book! Not just any free book. I was my friend Becca Whitham’s very first book! Becca and I have been friends and writer friends for a long time and to see her dream sitting on my dinning room table was so awesome. I’ve critiqued stuff for Becca and she’s critiqued stuff for me. We have attended writer’s conferences together and hoped and fretted and prayed that someday we would be skilled enough to be published. Now here this book sits, as proof of her arrival.

The Homestead Brides Collection: 9 Pioneering Couples Risk All for Love and Land

She even signed her story for me. Of course I read it first and I am so proud of her. I think her story was the best one! She did such a good job. Of course I enjoyed the other stories as well, but it was just so good to read Becca’s finished dream. Yay Becca! So that, my friends, is what I was reading this week. What did I learn from that reading…to keep working hard and develop your skills and someday it just might pay off.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

5 thoughts on “Reading Tai Bo

  • Grandma Judy

    Yay Becca! I’m anxious to read her story.

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