Boy Quotes
Sweet Boy#3–“Yipes! Ghostly undies!”
Sweet Boy#1–“Momma, my brothes were runnign around in the room while I was gone because I wasn’t able to supervise them just then.”
Sweet Boy#3–“I’m as tired as a fruitfly.”
Sweet Boy#3–“No, I’m not a badguy. I shoot eyeballs at badguys.”
Sweet Boy#2–“Do you have any tastebuds?”
Sweet Boy#2–“This means I almost want to marry you.” Gives me a kiss right at the corner of my mouth, a mere centimeter from actually touching my lips.
Sweet Boy#3–“My wife will be called…Mr. Stinky.”
Sweet Boy#2–“Momma, we’re going to put a toot bomb in (sweet boy#3’s) birthday cake so his cake toots!” Then they dissolve into gales of evil laughter.