Boy Quotes

Boy Quotes

Sweet Boy#3–“Your a cake with a candle in it. It’s the chicken’s birthday. Blake is the cake for the chicken.”

Sweet Boy#3–Wants to go to nursery but there is no one there to watch him, so he asks–“Will you watch over me Momma?”

Sweet Boy#3–“I’m a fungus monster!”

Sweet Boy#2–playing an immaginary game–“…and I read the note and it said ‘come to my planet’ and so I did…”

Sweet Boy#3–“A vampire spider’s food is electricity and its drink is liquid electricity.”

Sweet Boy#3–“It’s good to throw out ants in the window, to get them fresh air.”


Sweet Boy#2 (a kindergartener)–“I’m supposed to be in 1st grade. I’m smart and I like to do silly stuff too.”

Sweet Boy#1–“Doing silly stuff will not help you a bit in that class.”

Sweet Boy#2–“…Like going down a slide with a paper over one eye…”


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

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