Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

My boys are great. They are even pretty well behaved and eat at least three different types of vegetables. If they are within two feet of an authority figure and that authority figure has her eyes trained carefully upon them refusing to blink, or dart a look toward a sunny window, or sneeze suddenly.

So I had this big project planned for the day before Christmas Eve. It was our last day of school and we were going to have relaxing, quality, mother son moments while baking and frosting cut out sugar cookies. We did, sort of. But I got a couple of phone calls and was slightly distracted with all the measuring and stuff and they hadn’t been outside for two days (we’re all sick) and thus I had many natural disasters occur during that fated day.

Three of them I can actually remember. Sweet boy #3 pulled a lovely photo of the boys and their cousins off the wall, placed it on the floor, and stomped on the glass in his bare feet smashing it to smithereens. Amazingly he didn’t get a single cut. Then while I was on the phone all three boys got a large frying pan out of the cupboard, put a stuffed kitty in it and pretended to “boil” the aforementioned stuffed toy while pouring eggnog over it’s head. Thank goodness they used the linoleum as their stove top and not something else. And finally, I was finishing up the cookies and they were all playing happily in the other room, jumping on a wall clock and smashing it to itsey bitsey bits.

But I did get those stupid cookies done. Yeah me!


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

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