Boy Quotes

Boy Quotes

Sweet Boy#3–“I’m the thirstiest chicken ever!”

Sweet Boy#3–Making up imaginary creatures–“…and then another called Stompzilla!” there were also creatures called–“IgnitorZilla, Ratzilla, Maggytron, SmurfZilla, and the feroscious FlubberZilla.”

Sweet Boy#3–Eating oatmeal and singing–“Stir stir stir your boat calmly through the whirlpool!”


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

2 thoughts on “Boy Quotes

  • THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!! I cant wait until Fiona starts talking and comes up with funny little things 🙂

  • The key is writing all the cute things down. They say hilarious stuff all the time, but I could never remember. Now I write them down during the week in my desk and put them up on the blog. You’ll love it when she starts talking,,,and hate it to. But it’s worth it.

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