Writing News
Well, I’ve finished my first run through of the Christmas novella manuscript. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d feared. Just needed some good polishing. Shortening sentences, cutting awkward phrases, erasing the parts that didn’t make sense at all. Now things are looking better. I’m going to tackle the story again next week and see if I can deepen the character growth and add more Christmasy moments. I also revised the NaNoWriMo story a little as Johnnie Sue got the first seven chapters back to me with notes. Then I worked on three Russian recipes. I looked up three different recipes for the same dish and then combined them to make my own version. Then I taste tested them all on the Hunky Hubby and my boys. I am hoping to include these at the end of the Christmas novella. Here are some pictures. What do you think?

Love the pictures! I would eat those yummy looking dumplings, salad and tartlets.