Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

The Harrowing/Heartwarming Parent Moment of the Week

Sweet Boy#2–Wants me to go sledding with him and insists that I daun snowpants as well and participate. We hike up to the sleddding hill and take turns bouncing down the steep incline screaming and crashing and getting cold. Then he takes a seat on the sidelines and insists that I continue while he guards us against sneaky coyotes and wolves. And since I do need excercize I continue for 20 more minutes, sledding by myself as my six-year-old cheers me on while letting me know at regular intervals that we are safe from savage wildlife.

Sweet Boy#3–Is angry with me for making him stop playing and go potty. So he pees into our toy watering can, pours the pee into the potty, and quickly washes the watering can with soap and water before defiantly informing me of his actions. Don’t worry, I washed the watering can myself a second time.

My boys wanted to watch our wedding video. They sat squinting at the fuzzy picture chanting “When is the kiss? When is the Kiss? When is the Kiss?”



I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

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