Favorite February Reads

Fiancé Finale by Angela Ruth Strong!
Hilarious but with Real Depth!
This is such a fun RomCom! Angela Ruth Strong does not disappoint with her third book in this delightful trilogy of Christian romcoms. While I was VERY frustrated with the hero for a long time, and did have to fight the temptation to throw the book against the wall, the story ended so well and actually brought me to tears. You see, I was a pastor’s daughter too. While I did not face the betrayal that the heroine did, I did live in the fishbowl of ministry life growing up and faced church hurt of other kinds. What a wonderful story that speaks to our pain but also shows laughter, true love, and victory!

Beyond Mulberry Glen by Millie Florence!
Fun Christian Fantasy for Middle Grade Readers!
This author weaves words well with strong descriptions, fun characters, and an intense battle against the darkness. The lovely language will delight fans of Anne of Green Gables and the fight against an encroaching evil will keep kiddos turning the pages. The characters were well-developed and engaging. Definitely an author to keep your eye on in the future!

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
One of the best murder mysteries I have ever read!
Now, this is not a Christian read and does have the occasional swear word and of course, murder. However, it is richly written with a twisty plot and a charmingly quirky twelve-year-old protagonist who loves chemistry and poison! I marked so many quotes in this book so I could read them to my family. A remarkable novel!

A Lady’s Guide to Marvels and Misadventure by Angela Bell!!!
The Perfect Combo of Rollicking Ridiculousness and Sweet Romance!
This is such a fun book! Christian Gearpunk that starts in London and takes you on a delightful adventure abroad. A wonderful read! An added bonus, while I laughed so much during this story, I also cried. This author can bring to light deep spiritual truths in the middle of the adventure and take the characters through truly difficult heartbreak and bring them out the other side stronger and ready to face some pretty ridiculous adventures with heads held high. Perfect for the teens in your life as well. So good!

Before I called You Mine by Nicole Deese
An Emotional Ride That Stretches the Heart!
Nicole Deese drove me crazy with this book! Argh! I fell madly in love with the hero and his goofy and wonderful ways. I LOVE the dinosaur shirt over the head, ha! But I was also in love with the heroine’s dream to adopt! Pitting these two loves against each other was masterfully done. Christian romance with heart and depth. Don’t worry folks, you will be smiling at the end, even if you pulled out some hairs during the read. Loved it!

My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade!
A Story with Both Swoon and Depth!
An oh-so-romantic closed door Christian romance by one of my favorite authors! Becky Wade knows how to elicit all the romance feels for a heart-thrumming read while keeping the door firmly shut. Swoony and delicious, her stories also have such a realistic spiritual journey for the characters that I am always strengthened in my faith. In this particular book, God asks a character for a difficult personal sacrifice and boy do you feel that struggle as they decide weather to obey! All the feels and hope at the end. Such a great read!