Writing News
I have been working on three different writing projects simultaneously of late. Since the dare last year to write a novella in a month that landed my sister and I our first contracts, I have fallen in love with writing rough drafts quickly and then editing and polishing over time. In September, I wrote the rough draft of another passport to romance novella, in November I wrote the rough draft of a middle grade fantasy for NaNoWriMo, and in February I wrote the rough draft of a Christmas novella. But then I had to revise all of these fast and furious rough drafts. This is what I have been doing for the past several months. I submitted the passport to romance manuscript in March to my editor and am waiting to see if they like it. I submitted the middle grade fantasy to several agents last week and must wait some more to see if anyone will risk taking me on as a client. And this week I finally finished up revising that Christmas novella manuscript and submitted it to Pelican Book Group for consideration. Perhaps they will take it on for their Christmas Extravaganza collection. Only time will tell. But it really feels good to get all of these stories edited and polished to the best of my ability and to actually send them off. Now that the last one is winging its way through cyberspace, I need to figure out what to do next with my writing time. I have two different old YA manuscripts that I could plunge back into and revise using all that I have learned about writing in the past few years…or I could start something totally new. What to do? What to do? Regardless, I finished up a project this week and feel really good about it. It is always nice to be able to report a finished project.
YAY!! I’m very proud of you.
Love to you.
Thanks so much, Mom.