Campfire Saturday

Campfire Saturday–Junior B Camp–Made for a Purpose!

It’s Campfire Saturday! Please enjoy this sneak peek at one of my blogs written for Camas Meadows Bible Camp.

Junior B Camp started out bright and sunny with a game in the meadow as campers and counselors met, moved into their cabins, and began a week of summer adventures together.


One of the special elements of this week was the fact that our speaker (camp name Phoenix) had experienced this exact moment herself way back when she was a camper attending Camas Meadows for the first time.


Phoenix went on to become a camp counselor herself, where she got her awesome camp name. She now has a little one of her own and she and her husband work for the Moody Aviation School. So much life has happened since she was last here serving at Camas Meadows. It was so exciting to have Pheonix back in the role of camp speaker.


Monday’s chapel was titled “Who Am I?–Knowing Our Identity”, and Pheonix spoke on knowing our identity.

“Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100:3


The little people in our lives face so much pressure. Everyone wants them to achieve great things: in sports, at math competitions, getting a solo in band, being a drama star, knowing exactly who they are right now and striving for their goals with gusto . . .


Both grownups and children alike, often forget something vital about our identity.


We can rest in an awesome knowledge that is mind-boggling and beautiful. We were made in the image of God and He longs for us to choose Him and to be His very own.


And that wraps up this sneak peek of life at our Junior B Camp this summer. For the rest of the story, please visit The Campfire Blog!


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single're welcome!

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