Writing News

Writing News

This week Jenn and I finally got our first impressions entries up to snuff and actually entered the contest…again. Then we exchanged another chapter, critiqued the other person’s work, and I’m still working at making corrections. Also, I experienced an exciting first. I just received my very first author contract in the e-mail. It is for this teeny tiny 150 word devotional for Thriving Family Magazine. It is not very impressive…at all. But they liked it and are going to pay me for my words. Getting that little one page contract with my name at the top is a big step for me. Now if only our printer will stop freaking out so I can sign the thing and return it to them.


I promise you a crazed animal, a concussion, and a kiss in every single book...you're welcome!

3 thoughts on “Writing News

  • Grandma Judy

    WAHOO!!! So pleased for you and so very proud of you!

    Love to you.

  • Thanks so much Mom and Nancy. It was so good to hold that little contract in my hands with my name at the top. A step in the right direction.

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